
On Tuesday, 26 November, the first AI-workshop of the BAuA's new series will take place! It sheds light on research into artificial intelligence and looks at the interactions between AI, computer science, AI regulation and the world of work.

The event takes place on Tuesday, 26 November, from 9:00am to 3:30pm at the Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA), auditorium, house I (Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25, 44149 Dortmund). Topcis will be: The current developments and research in the field of artificial intelligence with relevance for the world of work, the regulation of AI systems and the overall social impact of AI in the world of work.

Two of our Professors, Prof. Dr. Daniel Neider and Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal, will give talks! Additionally, there will be M.Sc. Inf. Raphael Fischer, Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, Prof. Dr. Anne Paschke, Dipl.-Pol. Daniel Leisegang.

Important note: Registration is limited. Please send an e-mail to fb2.4@baua.bund.de.


The aim of the BAuA premiere is to strengthen the dialogue between the world of work and computer scientists on current issues in AI research. Leading experts from science and regulation will meet people from the field to discuss current developments in AI research and their impact on the world of work. A central focus will be on the trustworthiness of AI systems in relation to a humane working environment. In this context, scientists from the BAuA will present their research work on AI and discuss it in a poster session. The aim of the conference is to present the latest findings and developments in the field of AI and to discuss their practical applications in the context of the world of work. 

Both the conference and current developments reveal a movement that can be interpreted as the emergence of a new ‘scientific community’. This currently still has its origins in computer science, but is in the process of detaching itself from its roots and acting in an interdisciplinary manner. The event is a co-operation between the BAuA, TU Dortmund and the Lamarr Institute. It is therefore aimed at a broad audience. With a mixture of specialist presentations, poster sessions and space for personal dialogue, the event offers an opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on the latest developments and trends in the field of AI in the world of work. Participants have the opportunity to actively take part in the discussions on the specialist presentations and benefit from the experience and insights of the IT experts.


More information are on the website of BAuA.


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