Although the research center was only founded in 2021 and is still undergoing rapid development, it represents a vast treasure trove of knowledge accumulated through experience in joint and individual projects: Seven ERC projects, one cluster of excellence, two collaborative research centers, five interdisciplinary graduate schools and one national competence center for machine learning are proof positive of our scientific strength in this field. Our strong local research network in the Ruhr area bolsters established collaborations as well as future efforts.

Cluster of Excellence EXC 2092

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries (CASA)

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Collaborative Research Center 823

Statistical modelling of nonlinear dynamic processes

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Collaborative Research Center 876

Providing Information by Resource-Constrained Data Analysis

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Research Training Group 2624

Biostatistical Methods for High-Dimensional Data in Toxicology

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Research Training Group 2193

Adaption Intelligence of Factories in a Dynamic and Complex Environment

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Research Training Group 2167

User-Centred Social Media

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NRW Research College SecHuman

Human Security in Cyberspace

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NRW Research Training Group Dataninja

Trustworthy AI for Seamless Problem Solving

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Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

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More Partners

Not only in university research - we also have a strong network and are in close contact with federal institutes and research institutions. Industrial partners will soon also be able to benefit from our expertise.

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