Welcome to the Causality Group!

The chair of Causality was established in June 2024 and is led by Alexander Marx. We are part of the Department of Statistics at TU Dortmund University and affiliated with the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security.

Our research focuses on causality and machine learning, with an emphasis on causal discovery, causal inference, and their connections to out-of-distribution generalization, representation learning, and information theory. We aim to enhance the trustworthiness, robustness, and generalization capabilities of AI systems by tackling fundamental challenges in data-driven decision-making. For more details, please check out our full list of publications.

We are still growing and are currently preparing a call for a PhD and a Postdoc position. Please reach out for further information.

Thesis Projects: If you are interested in the groups research, please feel free to contact us for a thesis project. Please attach your current transcript of records and a briev CV.

Portrait of Alexander Marx


Prof. Alexander Marx

TU Dortmund
JvF25, Room 205

Phone: +49 231 755 7879


Daniel Klippert

TU Dortmund
JvF25, Room 203

Phone: +49 231 755 7482


Marlies Hafer

TU Dortmund
Jvf 25
Room 203

Phone: +49 231 755 7868


Gabin Agbalé

TU Dortmund
Room 202

44227 Dortmund

Phone: +49 231 755 7204

Office Prof. Marx

Sarah Keuter

TU Dortmund
JvF 25
Room 219

44227 Dortmund

Phone: +49 231 755 7820

Research Assistant

Quang Nhat Huynh

TU Dortmund
JvF 25

44227 Dortmund

Research Assistant

Yat Chun Fung

TU Dortmund
JvF 25

44227 Dortmund

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