Our Work

Our group so far

Our group studies how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) shape human ethical and cooperative behavior. To do that we introduce cutting-edge technologies, into a behavioral experiments.

Concrete research projects we are covering include:

- how (language-based) AI systems influence human ethical behavior

- the social impact of synthetic relationships between humans and conversational agents

- how AI systems can be used to improve educational outcomes

- the emerging risks of Artificial Intelligence as a tool for corruption

- how AI mediated communication tools shape trust

- the risks and potentials of using AI to fight corruption

Our goal is to test existing theories from social science to contexts where humans and intelligent machines interact & inform evidence-based policy making on these technologies

Our Center

We are part of the newly founded Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security

In 2021, Ruhr University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, and the University of Duisburg-Essen established the Research Alliance Ruhr, joining forces to address some of humanity's most pressing challenges.

We are located in the Tectrum in Duisburg.

Tectrum in Duisburg

Our geographical location

The Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security is dedicated to ensuring the trustworthiness of intelligent systems in safety-critical applications by adopting an interdisciplinary, human-centered research approach.

For those who wonder where all of this takes place; the position is in the Ruhr Valley region (see circled), one of Europe’s largest but also greenest metropolitan areas with the highest university density in Germany.

Open Positions



Research Assistants

We just finished hiring a Post-Doc on people’s perceptions of and interactions with AI-based systems in their daily lives together with Wilhelm Hofmann and Margarita Leib. More details will soon follow.
We are about to announce a new call for applications for a new PhD position. Stay tuned
On a rolling basis, we are looking for motivated research assistants. If you are interested, please send an email to sekretariat.koebis [at]uni-due.de


Portrait of Nils Köbis

Human Understanding of Algorithms and Machines

Prof. Nils Köbis

University of Duisburg-Essen
Tectrum Duisburg
Bismarckstraße 120
47057 Duisburg

Potrait of Tiffany

Visiting Researcher

Tiffany Matej Hrkalovic

Vrije University of Amsterdam & Delft University of Technology

Placeholder for missing portrait image


Ines Terrucha

University of Duisburg-Essen

Portrait of Alfio Ventura


Alfio Ventura

University of Duisburg-Essen
Tectrum Duisburg
Bismarckstrasse 120
47057 Duisburg

Office Prof Köbis & Singh

Sebastian Meinken

University of Duisburg-Essen
Tectrum, Room 31.OG.3324

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