
The “Summer School on Time-to-Event-Analysis” takes place in Strobl in June and RC Trust co-organizes the event!

The “Summer School on Time-to-Event-Analysis” takes place in Strobl, at the Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung (bifeb) from Wednesday 26 June to Saturday 29 June 2024.

And RC Trust co-organizes the event! Next to us, the German and Austrian-Swiss Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR, ROeS) together with the Austrian Statistical Society (ÖSG), the Intelligent Data Analytics Lab Salzburg (IDA Lab) jointly organize the summer school.

Topics will range from practice-oriented to methodological and, e.g., cover an introduction to time-to-event-analysis as well as lectures on clinical trials with time-to-event endpoints, logistic regression with right censored (survival) data and strategies to model survival data beyond proportional hazards model. Lectures will be given by four authorities on time-to-event analysis and its application

   • Paul Blanche (København)

   • Sarah Friedrich (Augsburg)

   • Kaspar Rufibach (Basel)

   • Helga Wagner (Linz)

and there will be plenty of room for informal discussions with the experts.

Espacially targets people interested in planning and analyzing, e.g. clinical, studies. Basic knowledge in statistical methodology and working skills in using R are assumed and required.

For registration, you need to submit your request by 1 March 2024 via email to: Andrea Baumgartner (Andrea.Baumgartner@plus.ac.at). You can also contact her for questions.



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