Emmanuel Müller is professor for Data Science and Data Engineering at the TU Dortmund University [since 2020]. He studied computer science and graduated with doctorial degree from RWTH Aachen University [2002-2010] and was leading a young investigator group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology concurrently with a postdoctoral fellowship at University of Antwerp [2010-2015]. He was full professor of computer science at Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam and at the Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology [2015-2020]. Since 2021, he is the Scientific Director of the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security within the University Alliance Ruhr.
His research covers unsupervised machine learning, efficient algorithm design, and interactive exploration for high dimensional data, complex graphs, time series, and data streams. His trustworthy machine learning research includes explainable and interpretable machine learning models, uncertainty quantification in learning algorithms, as well as provable guarantees for neural networks. As sustainable contribution to the research community, his research group is leading and contributing to several open-source initiatives enabling repeatability and comparability for unsupervised machine learning. He received best-paper-awards for research on information theoretic measures for data stream analysis for explainable unsupervised learning using fundamental game-theory and information theoretic concepts, as well as for explaining data streams and its concept drifts using automata theory.
Emmanuel Müller has organized more than 15 tutorials and workshops at major Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Database conferences on the topic of unsupervised Machine Learning and edited a special issue for the Machine Learning Journal. He initiated and coordinated various education data science programs on the level of university education (M.Sc.), five graduate schools (PhD) and multiple executive education programs (industry). For example, two interdisciplinary graduate schools within the Helmholtz Association, the NRW graduate school DataNinja on Trustworthy AI for Seamless Problem Solving, as well as the Data Engineering program within Hasso Plattner Institute, the graduate education program of Lamarr Institute, and the interdisciplinary graduate school of our research center.
As expert in machine learning and artificial intelligence he has been invited to the Enquete Commission Artificial Intelligence - Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potentials, within the German parliament. He served in the Information & Data Science Steering Board on linking the interdisciplinary and data-driven research with Helmholtz Association. Recently, he advised NRW politics with Guidelines on Artificial Intelligence for Education in Schools, Universities, and Life-Long-Learning.
Emmanuel Müller is the scientific director and founding member of the research center.