Portrait of Jatinder Singh
  • Law

Compliant & Accountable Systems

Prof. Jat Singh

University of Duisburg-Essen


I'm a newly appointed Professor for Accountability of Data Science and Security Systems at the Research Center.

Before, I've been a Principal Research Asssociate (≈Research Professor) at the Dept. Computer Science & Technology (Computer Laboratory), University of Cambridge, where I lead the Compliant and Accountable Systems research group. The group worked at the intersection of computer science and law, considering the mechanisms by which technology can be better designed, engineered and deployed to accord with legal and regulatory concerns, and works to better ground policy/regulatory discussions in technical realities. Broadly, we took an interdisciplinary approach towards issues of governance, control, agency, accountability, security, privacy and trust regarding emerging and data-driven technologies.

I also co-chair the Trust & Technology Initiative, which drives research exploring the dynamics of trust and distrust in relation to internet technologies, society and power, and I am a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute, the UK's national institute for data science & artificial intelligence, where I collaborate on various projects. I also currently hold an EPSRC Fellowship.

I am active in tech-policy discussions, which has me involved various advisory and outreach initiatives, including with government, regulators and civil society groups.

I undertook my PhD in Computer Science (topic: distributed systems & security) at the University of Cambridge, and have previously studied some law. I have worked for large and small IT service companies, ran a medical IT startup, and provide consulting services. Much of my commercial experience concerned health and judicial applications, areas with strong governance requirements.

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