Portrait of Markus Pauly
  • Data Science
  • Statistics
  • Time Series

Mathematical Statistics and Applications in Industry

Prof. Markus Pauly

TU Dortmund
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 2-4
44227 Dortmund


Born and raised in Düsseldorf, Markus also studied mathematics in his hometown. After obtaining a master’s-level Diplom degree (2005), he received a PhD in mathematical statistics (2008) with funding from a self-raised PhD scholarship. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the UW Seattle (2009) and the University of Bern (2010-2011), with the latter posting funded by a DAAD scholarship. This is where he laid the foundation for his post-doctoral Habilitation degree in mathematics (2013). From 2014 to 2019, he was W3 professor for statistics at Ulm University before switching to his current position at TU Dortmund University. He is an expert for resampling, semi- and non-parametric methods, heterogeneous designs, tree-based learning as well as survival and time series analysis. His group tackles a wide range of research areas in data science, ranging from pure methodological achievements with mathematicians and statisticians to interdisciplinary collaborations with colleagues from logistics, medicine, neuroscience, psychology or industry.

Markus' work has won various awards, including the Gustav-Adolf-Lienert Prize (2015, DR-IBS) for resampling in heterogeneous designs and the honor of giving the Gumbel Lecture (DStatG, 2022) on links between statistics and machine learning. His broad research spectrum is driven by a great curiosity for new and unknown things, all tied together by fundamental interest in statistical methodology.

Markus is one of four founding members of the Research Center.

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