Portrait of Michel Lang
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistics

Managing Director

Dr. Michel Lang

TU Dortmund
JvF25, Room 207

Short CV

  • Diploma in Statistics
  • PhD and PostDoc in Jörg Rahnenführers group as part of CRC 876
  • Open science and open software coordinator at the LMU Munich as part of the Munich Center for Machine Learning and Bernd Bischl's group
  • Substitute Professor for the elite master program "Data Science" at LMU Munich
  • Scientific coordinator and managing director of the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security


I have authored and contributed to numerous R packages that have been used in hundreds of scientific publications and downloaded millions of times - some popular packages with a significant contribution from my side are listed here:

Also see my profile for a broader list.


All publications are listed on Google Scholar and ORCID.

Book on mlr3 is out!

You can preorder from Amazon or read online for free. For more information about mlr3, see the package homepage.

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