Portrait of Steffen Becker
  • Cybersecurity

Junior Research Group Leader

Dr. Steffen Becker

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Room S-W 101

Academic Career and Research Areas

Steffen Becker is a Junior Research Group Leader at the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security, where he leads the Human-Centered Hardware Security group. His research aims to enhance the transparency and trustworthiness of digital systems by integrating insights from hardware security, cognitive science, and human-computer interaction. Steffen's work centers on embedded security and the human factors that influence it, with research interests spanning hardware reverse engineering, obfuscation, and Trojans, as well as usable security and privacy. Previously, Steffen was a postdoctoral researcher at the CASA Cluster of Excellence and the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy. He completed his doctoral studies at Ruhr University Bochum in 2021, focusing on the human aspects of hardware reverse engineering.

Selected Key Publications

  • inproceedings

René Walendy, Markus Weber, Jingjie Li, Steffen Becker, Carina Wiesen, Malte Elson, Younghyun Kim, Kassem Fawaz, Nikol Rummel, Christof Paar: I see an IC: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Study Human Problem-Solving Processes in Hardware Reverse Engineering

  • article

Carina Wiesen, Steffen Becker, René Walendy, Christof Paar, Nikol Rummel: The Anatomy of Hardware Reverse Engineering: An Exploration of Human Factors During Problem Solving 1557-7325

  • inproceedings

Franziska Herbert, Steffen Becker, Leonie Schaewitz, Jonas Hielscher, Marvin Kowalewski, Angela Sasse, Yasemin Acar, Markus Dürmuth: A World Full of Privacy and Security (Mis)conceptions? Findings of a Representative Survey in 12 Countries

  • inproceedings

Endres Puschner, Thorben Moos, Steffen Becker, Christian Kison, Amir Moradi, Christof Paar: Red Team vs. Blue Team: A Real-World Hardware Trojan Detection Case Study Across Four Modern CMOS Technology Generations

  • inproceedings

Steffen Becker, Carina Wiesen, Nils Albartus, Nikol Rummel, Christof Paar: An Exploratory Study of Hardware Reverse Engineering - Technical and Cognitive Processes

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