
Amin Alibakhshi, researcher at RC Trust, discovered a new standard in defining surface of atoms and molecules - a problem which has been a scientific challenge for more than a century. The results are now published in the journal of Nature Communications.

The study

Many properties of atoms and molecules are directly related to their geometrical shape and size. However, where exactly the surface of atoms and molecules is located has long been a scientific puzzle and the subject of numerous studies for over a century. This study employs a state-of-the-art experimental technique to shed light on this long-standing problem. It demonstrates that an iso-density surface with a certain charge density can be reliably considered as the actual surface of atoms and molecules.



The surface area of atoms and molecules plays a crucial role in shaping many physiochemical properties of materials. Despite its fundamental importance, precisely defining atomic and molecular surfaces has long been a puzzle. Among the available definitions, a straightforward and elegant approach by Bader describes a molecular surface as an iso-density surface beyond which the electron density drops below a certain cut-off. However, so far neither this theory nor a decisive value for the density cut-off have been amenable to experimental verification due to the limitations of conventional experimental methods. In the present study, we employ a state-of-the-art experimental method based on the recently developed concept of thermodynamically effective (TE) surfaces to tackle this longstanding problem. By studying a set of 104 molecules, a close to perfect agreement between quantum chemical evaluations of iso-density surfaces contoured at a cut-off density of 0.0016 a.u. and experimental results obtained via thermodynamic phase change data is demonstrated, with a mean unsigned percentage deviation of 1.6% and a correlation coefficient of 0.995. Accordingly, we suggest the iso-density surface contoured at an electron density value of 0.0016 a.u. as a representation of the surface of atoms and molecules.


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