
Two of our professors will give insight today at the "TU Dortmund in Conversation" event

Today's lecture of the lecture series "TU Dortmund in Conversation" will begin at 4.00 p.m. in the Rudolf-Chaudoire-Pavillon on the South Campus of TU Dortmund. As part of the event, Prof. Daniel Neider will speak on the topic of "Understanding and Mitigating the Perils of ChatGPT & Co.". Prof. Nicole Krämer will then give a lecture entitled "Alles Außerirdische? Wie Menschen mit KI interagieren".

Subsequently, there will be a panel discussion with

  • Prof. Stefan Turek (Department of Mathematics)
  • Prof. Wolfgang Rhode (Department of Physics)
  • JProf. Florian Boge (Department of Humanities and Theology)
  • JProf. Carolyn Blume (Department of Cultural Studies)

After the end of the event (around 5.45 p.m.), there will be an opportunity for an informal exchange over snacks, finger food and drinks. Please note that the second presentation and the panel discussion will be in German.

You can still register (free of charge) here.


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