
The Summer School 2024 on Time-to-Event analysis took place from June, 26-29 in Strobl (Austria). The school was co-organized by RCTrust and the IDA Lab Salzburg.

Guests listen to a talk at the summer school. by Prof. Arne Bathke

The presenters were

• Sarah Friedrich (University of Augsburg)

• Paul Blanche (University of Copenhagen)

• Kaspar Rufibach (Roche, Basel)

• Helga Wagner (Linz University)

They covered various practice-oriented to methodological topics.


The program:

After an introduction to the topic, they particularly discussed aspects of clinical studies with time-to-event endpoints, analyses with non-proportional hazards or with logistic regression models for right-censored data. In addition to the learning program, the more than 30 participants had the opportunity for many stimulating discussions and networking activities. The organizers, Arne Bathke (Salzburg), Markus Pauly (Dortmund) and Georg Zimmermann (Salzburg) would like to thank all presenters and participants for making the summer school such a great success. Hope to see you again in the next years.



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