
The RC Trust and Sec Human Summer School will take place from July 29 - 31 at the Ruhr University Bochum, Beckmanns Hof. Registration is still open until June 12! The topic of the Summer School is: Taming the risks of digital technologies - interdisciplinary collaboration for a trustworthy future.

The following speakers will be on site over the three days and provide exciting insights into a wide range of areas:


DAY 1 | Monday, July 29

10:00-10:15 Welcome and introduction

Angela Sasse (Human-Centred Security, RUB and RC Trust)

Nils Köbis (Human Understanding of Algorithms and Machines, UDE and RC Trust)


Krishna P. Gummadi (Networked Systems Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)


Mark Elliot (Social Statistics, University of Manchster & Director of SPRITE+, UK)


DAY 2 | Tuesday, July 30


Alice Hutchings (Emergent Harms, University of Cambridge & Director of Cambridge Cybercrime Centre, UK)


DAY 3 | Wednesday, July 31


Sarah Spiekermann-Hoff (Information Systems and Society, Vienna University of Economics and Busines & Co-Founder of Sustainable Computing Lab, AU)


Ivan Habernal (Fairness and Transparency, RUB and RC Trust)

Bilal Zafar (Computing and Society, RUB and RC Trust)


The Summer School starts at 9:30 am. Between the talks there will be coffee breaks, poster sessions, networking opportunities and other subject-specific sessions. The evening program will include a beer culture tour through Bochum and a barbecue at the Ruhr University.


Registration until June 12 here.

The whole program and all further information here.


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