
Our Research Center cordially invites researchers from Ruhr Area for the next iteration of scientific Speed Dating on May 29. This time in focus: Trustworthy AI.

Photo of a previous speeddating event

What is a Speed Dating event and why are we doing this? AI is permeating our society at an ever-increasing rate. While this rapid and wide-scale adoption of AI carries with it many benefits, it also entails several risks. Solving these risks requires multidisciplinary efforts. The goal of this Speed Dating event is to bring together researchers from a wide array of disciplines including (but not limited to) AI, ML, Statistics, Psychology, Ethics and Law.

Who is invited? Researchers from the Ruhr Area.

What will happen at this event? We will announce 5-10 research themes at the start of the event (e.g., security of AI systems, teaching AI systems to interact with users). As a participant, you will vote to join a certain theme. We will then form theme-based groups. Each group will brainstorm for the remainder of the event. The goal of this theme-based discussion is to conceive ideas for future collaborations.

Why should I attend? This event is an exciting opportunity to meet researchers with different expertise and brainstorm ground-breaking ideas. If your idea leads to a concrete project, you can apply for a research grant of up to 80.000 EUR.

I am intrigued. When and where is the event? The event will take place on May 29, 2024 between 16:00 and 18:00 at Uni-Forum Ost in Ruhr University Bochum.

Will there be refreshments? Yes, we will provide tea/coffee and light snacks.

How can I register? Please email speed-dating@rc-trust.ai by April 30, 2024.


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Bilal Zafar

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